Wednesday, 20 November 2013


I don't make the people around me happy anymore, I feel more of a burden then anything else. The girl I loves doesn't really love me back, I don't see eye to eye with my family members and life is just getting so tiring to live each and everyday by. The only reason I don't want to go for Brunei is solely because I'm scared of what may happen to my family when I'm not here. I will not be able to experience and go through this one yr with them. But I guess life works like that, it's a choice given and it's a good one to make as the benefits for me outweigh the bad points. The money is one and the overseas Uni education I can  easily afford for is another. I don't know this constitutes as a reason but also all those I'm leaving behind will be fine and they don't have to worry about me anymore. I don't mind, I just don't want them to be burdened with me that's all.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Brunei bound

A years posting to Brunei is just what I'd need to make me be independent and forget everything I have here. I'd miss a lot of things but if I go there, wouldn't it be better for all this people I rely on? Some of them are getting real tired of me and some don't even entertain me already. It's like I'm not needed in their life. This reason of not being needed here coupled with the fact that I earn some serious cash being posted there makes me want to commit to it. 

Still contemplating the decision but I do know that I won't be missed but I'll miss everyone I'm leaving behind here.